Friday, August 29, 2014


( By s.Ramamoorthy)

Our Mother earth is surrounded by danger . Any small asteroid of dia 10 Km from the "Asteroid Belt" of solar System ( between Mars and Jupiter) is more than enough to wipe out the 90 % of living organism on the earth. Any "Supernova" Explosion of near by stars ( 100 Billion Stars in our milky way galaxy) within 10 Lakhs Light years distance will kill almost entire life on earth.

Fact is that these kind of "Mass Extinction events" are not new to us. Our earth had already faced 5 Nos of such Mass Extinction event in last 60 Million Years. Still Life survive. Extinction of one set of species have always paved the way for evolution of a new set of species with different characteristics. Life bounced back strongly after each and every "Mass Extinction"

Here, we are going to see one of such "Mass Extinction event" called Cretacous - Paleogene Event ( K-Pg event)" occurred before 660 Million years ago which wiped out 76 % of life on earth including all non avian Dinosaurs which ruled the land for almost 140 Million Years.

                                             (Documentary on K-Pg Mass Extinction)

CRETACOUS - PALOGENE EVENT ( K-Pg Mass extinction ):

Dinasours ( belongs to  "Reptiles" Group of Animal Kingdom ) which evloved around 200 millions years ago had ruled the entire land for almost 140 million years without any major competitors. In contrast. "Mammals" ( Group of animals having Mammary Glands, Hair,Warm Blooded) ancestors of primates and Humans had also lived along with Dinosaures at the same time but in very small size like rats ( < 10 Kgs).

Mammals ( our ancestors) were not able to compete with giant sized dinoasures ( weighed 140 Tonnes) for food & Land which forced them to remain in very small size  like rats weighing < 10 Kgs.

Luckily, an Asteriod called "Chicxulub" ( just 10 KM Dia) had struck the Yucatain Pennisula of Mexico before 660 Million Years ago with 100 Megaton Force which created 180 KM dia Crater.

This sudden impact created Mega tsunamis, Volcanic Eruption, Massive Earth Quakes throughout the globe killing 50 % of life on earth instantly. Dust Cloud raised due to this impact covered the sun for many decades resulting in 20 % reduction of sunlight to the earth and  caused the Acid Rains throughout the globe. This stalled the photosynthesis for decades which killed Herbiovers ( plant eating animals) and Carnivores ( Meat eating animals). At the end of this mass extinction event, 76 % of all life on earth were completely wiped out.

In nut shell, animals which weighed more than 10 Kgs during that time became extinct.


Mammals ( our ancestors), so far remained in very small size ( less than 10 Kg) due to the competition from Giant Dinoasure ( 140 Tonnes) for Food & Land smelled this opportunity for New Lease of life.

It's small size ( < 10 Kg) favored it in this catastrophic event since it required less food for survival. This omnivores ( eating both plant & Meat ) survived this "Mass Extinction" by eating the death plants & animals ( Scavengers).

After few million years from the "Asteriod Impact", dust cloud ( which covered the sun ) slowly vanished and eco system became back to normal.

Plants started photosynthesis once again and occupied the land as usual. Mammals so far lived as very small species & as scavengers used this new opportunity thrown by this dinoasure free world where food were available in plenty without many competitors. It responded by diverging into many different species ( Whales, Horses, Primates ( ancestor for apes and humans), Herbivores & Carnivores ) in few million years and grew into giants like "mammoth"of 14 Tonnes.

These Primates ( ancestor of apes and modern Humans) which evolved in this post Dinoasur world further diverged into Apes roughly around 30 Million Years Ago. Eventually, Modern Humans had evolved around 2.5 Lakhs Years ago in " Great North Rift Valley"  of Africa from these apes.


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